Agriculture is the most susceptible sector to climate change-induced hazards due to the fact that it affects the two most important direct agricultural production inputs, such as precipitation
and temperature. Therefore, ...
Environmental and climate changes are among the serious threats to the world’s land
resources in the 21
Century. Particularly, in the developing countries the impact inevitably goes as the
continuing toll on ...
Temperature and rainfall variability affect systems such as water, agriculture,
health, tourism, coastal areas, and biodiversity. This study examined climatic variability, and trends
in Dejen district, Nile Basin ...
An understanding and knowledge of seasonal rainfall distribution, e.g. length of the growing
season and rainfall extremes, is very important in agro-based economies like Ethiopia, where 95% of the
farmers depend on rainfed ...
Tadesse Alemu , Mohamed G. Abdelsalam , Enkurie L. Dawit , Balemwal Atnafu , Kevin L. Mickus(2018-03-12)
We investigated the evolution of the Mekele Sedimentary Basin (MSB) in northern Ethiopia using
geologicfield and gravity data. The depth to Moho and lithospheric structure beneath the basin was
imaged using two-dimensional ...
Tamrat Mekuria1, J. Muralitharan2* and Yahya Ali3(2019-04-12)
Solid waste dumping is a severe problem in the Gondar town since the majority of solid wastes generated are not
dumped in an appropriate area. The most important objective of this study was to select appropriate disposal ...
In Ethiopia soil degradation has become a serious problem affecting all spheres of social, economic and
political life of the population. It was one of the major challenges to agricultural development and food ...
Floods are most frequent and the most widely experienced catastrophic geologic hazards and the
cause the many damage of all natural disasters. It perhaps takes the greatest toll in terms of
human lives and property damage ...
Ethiopian highlands are highly populated by human habitation along the river banks. The
protection of land and water is necessary for the survival of the human being. The purpose of
this study is to evaluate the water ...
Gis based landslide susceptibility mapping using bivariate approaches in Gozamin area,
northwestern Ethiopia.
The present study landslide susceptibility mapping was conducted in Gozamin area located at
northwestern ...
The study area has excellent exposures of upper Jurassic sedimentary rock which is situated
in north western Ethiopian plateau. This research is focused on detail field investigation,
description and systematics of upper ...
In the present study Landslide Susceptibility Mapping was carried out along DebretaborAlember road section and its surrounding area in northwestern Ethiopia. The main
objective of this study is to evaluate landslide ...
In the management of solid waste, sanitary landfill site selection is one of a significant issue, as
solid waste disposal site selection is intricate activity and needs attention to several settings like
societal, economic, ...
A Jurassic Brachiopod fauna from Blue Nile basin from Dejen to Gohatsion was represented
by two articulated class Ryhnchellida and Terebratulida. The class comprises of five species
viz., Dhagnirynchia sp, Somalirhynchia ...
The following major activities have been intended under the study area;
Map the subsurface geologic formation.
Investigate the hydro-geological condition of the area and produce hydro geologic map.
Locate optimum ...
Veeranarayana, Balabathina; Raju, R. P; Mulualem, Wuletaw(American Journal of Geographic Information System, 2019)
Severe land degradation occurred in northern highlands of Ethiopia due to its complex topography, rainfall, and
various anthropogenic activities. Soil erosion in the Megech river catchment, one of the major catchments of ...
Muralitharan, Jothimani; Mulualem, Wuletaw(Journal of Academia and Industrial Research (JAIR), 2019-08-07)
The present study examines the utilization of Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing in mapping
land use land cover modification in and around Gondar, Ethiopia between 1999 and 2017 therefore on notice ...
Muralitharan, Jothimani; Mulualem, Wuletaw(Journal of Control & Instrumentation, 2019)
This current research study presents the change detection method for the study of satellite image supported on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). NDVI utilizes the multispectral remote sensing data method to ...
Geospatial technology has wide applications in the groundwater resource assessment studies.
Satellite images are increasingly being used in groundwater exploration due to their utility in
distinguishing numerous geo-system ...