Loss of historical heritages is not only due to aging and environmental factors but also damaged
as a result of microbial induced deterioration. Microbial induced deterioration of historical
heritages occurs due to the ...
Introduction: Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus are major etiological agents of chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the fifth most prevalent tumor type and the third leading ...
Excessive use of agrochemical was one mechanism of increase crop production and which leads
to environmental damage. Microorganisms are important for agriculture in order to promote the
circulation of plant nutrients and ...
Salinity is one of the most severe environmental factors limiting the productivity of
agricultural crops;SA induces a protective effect on plants under certain adverse
environmental conditions.In the present study, the ...
Type 2 diabetes affect large population and able to develop micro and macrovascular complicati
ons. There are many non- genetic and genetic factors or both are associated for the occurrence of
type 2 diabetes mellitus ...
Ethnobotany is the study of the relationships between plants and people with particular emphasis
on traditional cultures. An Ethnobotanical study on the medicinal plant was carried out in
Debark District which is found ...
In Ethiopia at the moment, there is a growing realization of the severity of resource degradation.
Although several factors drive natural forest destruction in Ethiopia, agricultural land expansion
triggered by increasing ...
The utilization of synthetic composts and pesticides has caused harm to the environment. These agents are both dangerous to humans and animals, and may persist and accumulate in natural ecosystem and a response to this ...
Members of the Bacillus genus are generally found in soil and represent a wide range of physiological abilities, allowing the organism to grow in every environment due to its capability to form extremely resistant spores. ...
Yeast populations are usually higher in the rhizosphere as opposed to the bulk soil and this has increased the association between yeasts and different agricultural crops. The use of yeast as a growth promoter in agriculture ...
The use of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria has been proven to be an environmentally sound way of increasing plant growth. Pseudomonas fluorescence is an important group of Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and the ...
All human languages have words that can mean different things in different contexts. Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is an open problem of natural language processing, which governs the process of identifying which sense ...
Aegilops speltoides is an important genetic
resource for wheat improvement and has high levels of
heat tolerance. A heat-tolerant accession of Ae. speltoides
pau3809 was crossed with Triticum durum cv.
PDW274, and ...
Mango (Mangifera indicaL.) is considered as one of the most popular fruits among
millions of people in the tropical area and increasingly in the developed countries.
Anthracnose, caused by the fungusColletotrichum ...
Tsega, N; Sahile, S; Kibret, M; Abera, B(2013-12-13)
Background: Accesses to safe water is a universal need howev er,many of the w orld’ s population lack access to adequate and
safe water. Consumption of water contaminated causes health risk to the public and the situation ...
Alternative sustainable agriculture under the pressing impacts of climate variability on crop
production is a primary concern in the Ethiopian development agenda towards sustained food security.
Use of integrated crop ...