This study explores the current trends, challenges and opportunities of selected digital libraries in Ethiopia. A structured questionnaire was used to get pertinent data administered to library staffs and digital library ...
Abstract:Machine learning is a technique of optimizing a performance criterion using example data and past experience. Data in machine
learning plays a key role, and machine leaning tools are used to discover and learn ...
The main purpose of this study was to identify the challenges and opportunities of cultural heritage digitization in Ethiopia. In order to conduct the study, structured questionnaire data collection technique was used, ...
The role of digital and media literacy in 21st century education is an unquestionable one. The major
trends sweeping the world today starting with the exponential growth of information and
communication ...
We are living in the information age. Information is the basic requirement for every human activity
and it is important as food, air and water. Information in itself has no value, but its value lies in its
communication ...
This study aims to identify, collect and critically review the research literature on the
concepts of Knowledge Management (KM) in digital library perspective. Knowledge Management
has become a powerful tool for promoting ...
This paper discusses the library automation and e-library project of CNCS. It examines the evolution of the University, the planning process and the implementation of library automation and e-library/Internet facilities. ...
This paper attempts to provide a brief description of the history of Ethiopia, its language, script and libraries during the past 2000 years. Only church and monastery libraries and some personal royal collections were ...
There has been an unprecedented growth in Open Distance Learning in the past decade throughout the world.
Distance Education has gained popularity spreading education not only to those who are deprived of opportunities ...
Distance Education plays an important role in the educational system. With the application of modern
technology, its responsibility lies equivalent to the Conventional educational system. In this paper an attempt has ...
Abstract: Discussing about general educational system, distance education system and how to provide support services to the learners. Taken case study of University of Gondar Library System, Gondar, Ethiopia. The organizational ...
The concept of open data is not new, but a formalized definition is relatively new. Open Data can be freely used,
modified, and shared by anyone. Open data is the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone ...
This paper discusses about “Electronic library Management: an Ethiopian Scenario”. Our main concentration
is on University of Gondar, Library and Documentation Services at Thewodros Campus. The service of University ...
Today whole business is depend on marketing, therefore marketing of any product is the whole business seen from the point of view of its final result, that is from customer’s point of view. Thus marketing means working ...
Brain is the most essential organs, which controls a number of complex functions in the human
body. However, brain tumor is the abnormal growth of cells within the brain that affects humans
badly. It is currently one of ...
Anemia is the reduction of red blood cells (RBC) or hemoglobin in the blood. It is a reduction in
the blood's ability to carry oxygen. In the year 2019, the world's anemia prevalence was 39.8%
in children under five years ...
Last but not least, I wish to reward myself with this opportunity, to express a sense of my
deepest gratitude and my mother Bogalech Ameselu, my father Shibabaw Bogale, and my
uncle Micheal yenet endless support and ...