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(erefore, it is better to advise women to strictly follow their antenatal care, access to information, and provide counseling. (1)
)erefore, effective perioperative management, skillful techniques, and using the small-gauge Quincke spinal needle (25–27 gauge) may increase the maternal satisfaction and quality of spinal anesthesia management. (1)
*e level of patient satisfaction with postoperative pain management was considerably low. Hence, it is vital to implement time-interval pain assessment method during the first 24 hours of postoperative period and treat accordingly based on theWHOpain ladder. Moreover, we suggested that all patients who underwent major surgery should receive peripheral nerve block as part of multimodal analgesia to decrease the incidence and severity of post op pain (1)
,e postoperative period is a time in which significant physiological change occurs, and this is the time in which the patient recovers from the acute instabilities resulting from (1)
. Background. Cryptococcosis is one of the most common opportunistic systemic fungal infections among huma (1)
. On the other hand, sex, marital status, and history of previous treatment have no impact on the survival experience of TB patients. The study shows that 84.5% of the patients were still alive at the end of 8 months of anti-TB treatment. Based on the result of the study, different factors are identified for the death of TB. Patients recommended that TB co-infected people should have (1)
. To assess knowledge and attitude towards exclusive breast feeding among mothers attending antenatal care and immunization clinic in Dabat Health Center, Northwest Ethiopia, 2016. Methodology. Institutional based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted. The data was collected by using pretested, structured interview based questionnaires. The data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version (1)
2 hypertension is not necessary. Although we identified numerous gaps between studies, we recommend that delay surgery in patients with stage 3 hypertension, who do not have high cardiovascular risk, is not necessary (1)
: Brown mustard seed , Polyphenol, Flavonoid, antioxidant activity, antibacterial activity, spectrophotometer (1)
: Alcohol use disorder, Factors, Medical and surgical outpatients, Ethiopia (1)

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