Workplace violence affects every sector and industry in the world, it can take on
many forms, it ranges from verbal threats to front page workplace shooting events,
homicide to bullying, from sexual assault to verbal abuse, from armed robbery to
passive aggression – and everything in between. Each year, more than 1.6 million
people worldwide lose their lives because of work place violence and many are
suffer from physical, sexual and mental health problem.
Objective: The objective of this study is to assess prevalence of work place
violence and associated factors among medium scale industry workers in
Shashemene town, southeast, Ethiopia.
Methods: Institution based cross sectional study will be conducted from February
to June 2016.
Work plan and cost of project: A total of 26,211.00 birr is required to carry out this
study. The study will end up with five months (February- June 2016), divided in to
three phases that is proposal development and defense, data collection and
analysis and thesis writing