Introduction: patient satisfaction is a valuable indicator of health care service quality and
effectiveness, and it has also an impact on patient recovery. Hospital based reports showed
that $120 million annual salaries can recover patient satisfaction and realize an estimated $2.2
million to $5.4 million additional salary every year by maintain patient satisfaction. However there
is scarce information regarding about the current patient satisfaction status in the hospitals.
Therefore, the main objective of this study was: to assess patient satisfaction and associated
factor of health care service among hospitalized adult patients’ at University of Gondar
Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, North west Ethiopia, 2017.
Methods: Institutional based cross- sectional study design was employed from June to July 2017
among 399 study participants. Systematic random sampling technique was employed to recruit
participants. Pretested, structured and interviewer administered questionnaire was used to collect
data. Data was entered using EPI info version 7 and cleaned then exported to SPSS version 22
software packages. Data was analyzed using bivariate and multiple logistic regression with 95%
confidence intervals and P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant with the outcome
Result: The overall patients’ satisfaction of health care service among hospitalized adult patients’
at University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized hospital was 56 %. Multivariable logistic
regression showed that medication availability [AOR= 2.519 (95% CI: 1.502-4.226)],ward
environment [AOR=2.800(95%CI: 1.315-5.960)], Counseling service at discharge time
[AOR=3.284(95%CI: 1.388-7.768)],explanation about their illness by physician [AOR= 2.665(95%
CI:1.516-4.687)] & Cleanliness of the ward [AOR= 2.533(95% CI: 1.409-4.554)] were found to be
independently associated with the outcome variable.
Conclusion: Patient satisfaction with health care service was found to be low in this study. Drug
availability, ward environment, counseling service at discharge time, cleanliness of the ward and
explanation about their illness by physician were found to be independently associated with the
outcome. Therefore, the Hospital management should understand these service areas and plan
for a better service delivery.
Keywords: Ethiopia, Health care service, Patient Satisfaction, Hospitalized Patient.