dc.description.abstract |
Background: Healthcare Wastes can be potentially risky to health care providers,
patient’s, community and the environment particularly when it is inappropriately placed at
the time of generation. Data on the knowledge and practice of healthcare professionals
on health care waste segregation is scarce in our setting. Therefore, the objective of the
study was to assess knowledge, practice and associated factors of health care waste
segregation among health care providers at University of Gondar Comprehensive
Specialized hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2017.
Methods: - Institution based cross- sectional study was conducted from April 10 to
May 10, 2017. Pretested self-administered questionnaire and observational checklist
were used. The data was entered, coded and cleaned using Epi Info version
7statistical software and analyzed by SPSS version 20.
Result: In this study, the prevalence of adequate knowledge and appropriate practice
about health care waste segregation among health care providers were 39% and
42.6% respectively. In the multivariable analysis training
Ethiopia. |
en_US |