Introduction: Nurses are the largest and most important professionals group in the health
care sector, and are at risk of developing compassion fatigue. Gaining a better understanding
of compassion fatigue and what drives it helps to promote intervention programs aimed at
reducing the occurrence of compassion fatigue among nurses. Compassion fatigue is common
among nurses, and there are a number of reasons that contribute to its occurrence. Identifying
these elements will aid in the development of effective preventative mechanisms.
Objective: To assess the level of compassion fatigue and its associated factors among nurses
working at Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals in Northwest Amhara region 2022.
Method: Institutional based cross sectional study design was conducted among nurses
working at Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals in Northwest amhara region. A simple
random sampling method was used to select participants. A structured self-administered
questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was entered using Epi info version 7.2.5
software, then exported and analyzed using SPSS version 25. The outcome variable of the
study was compassion fatigue transformed into low,medium and high level. Categorical
variables was analyzed using descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation, and ordinal logistic
regression was fitted. Variables with a p value < 0.25 at the bivariable regression analyis
level were included in the final multivariable regression model. The model fitness was tested
using deviances -2loglikhood ratio reveals p-value= 0.000 and goodness of fit was tested by
Pearson and deviances chi-square which reveals p-value= (0.269) and (0.278) respectively.
Parallel line test result revealed (p-value= 0.211).
Result : Out of 423 nurses 410 participants were involved in this study with the response rate
of 97%. About 112 (27.3%), 164 (40%) and 134 (32.7%) had low, medium and high level of
compassion fatigue respectively. Working shift, training, current working unit, work
experience, and work place bullying were associated with compassion fatigue.
Conclusion: This study showed that nurses experience high level of compassion fatigue.
Nurses who had less working experience, working in night and morning shift, training,
working in emergency and medical unit and being exposed to work place bullying were
among variables which were significantly associated with level of compassion fatigue. The
findings of this study give insights into what should be done to improve the workplace of
nurses in Northwest Amhara.
Keywords: Compassion Fatigue, Nurse, Level