Introduction: Cancer related fatigue is a common problem in most cancer patients. It
is a subjective feeling of tiredness, weakness, or lack of energy. Cancer related fatigue
has a significant impact on cancer patients’ social relationships, daily routine activities,
and overall quality of life. Despite this problem, cancer related fatigue is underreported,
underdiagnosed, and under investigated in Ethiopia.
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of cancer-related fatigue and associated factors
among adult patients attending oncology units of Comprehensive Specialized Hospital,
Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia, in 2022.
Methods: An institutional based cross-sectional study was employed and Brief Fatigue
Inventory was used to assess the outcome variable. Structured questionnaire was used
to assess the different independent variables and a systematic random sampling
technique was used. The data was entered into EPI Data version 4.6 and exported into
SPSS version 26 for analysis. A binary logistic regression model was run to determine
the variables with P-value of less than 0.25 and run for multivariate analysis. Statistical
significance and strength of association between dependent and independent variables
was managed at a P-value of less than 0.05 and at a 95% CI in the final model.
Result: In this study 326 participants were involved with 94% response rate. The
prevalence was 63.93%
Conclusion and recommendation
In this study, the prevalence of cancer-related fatigue was 63.9%. Stage of cancer, poor
sleep quality, poor performance status, depression, and admitted patients were
significant factors. As a result, healthcare providers should focus on risk factors through
early screening and management of cancer-related fatigue.
Keywords: Amhara region, cancer, cancer-related fatigue, Ethiopia.