
Satisfaction towards clinical learning environment and its associated factors among undergraduate nursing students at public universities in Northwest Ethiopia, 2022

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dc.contributor.author Alamirew Enyew Belay
dc.date.accessioned 2023-07-18T09:34:12Z
dc.date.available 2023-07-18T09:34:12Z
dc.date.issued August, 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/6933
dc.description.abstract Abstract Introduction: Clinical practice is one of the cornerstones in nursing education. The clinical learning environment is a multidimensional entity that affects the clinical learning outcome of nursing students. Most studies in Ethiopia showed that nursing students’ clinical competency was below half; to enhance their competency increasing their satisfaction with clinical practice is crucial. However, in Ethiopia satisfaction of nursing students with their clinical learning environment is unknown. Objective: This study aimed to assess satisfaction towards the clinical learning environment and associated factors among undergraduate nursing students at public universities in North West Ethiopia. Methods: Institution-based cross-sectional mixed study was conducted from May 10 to June 10, 2022 among 416 nursing students at public universities in northwest Ethiopia, selected by a simple random sampling technique. Quantitative data were collected by structured, pre-tested, self-administered questionnaire, entered into Epi-Info, and exported to SPSS for analysis. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were done to test the association. The odds ratio at 95% CI and Pvalue < 0.05 was used to ascertain statistical significance. The qualitative data were collected using open ended questions and focus group discussion. Qualitative data was analyzed through a thematic analysis approach using Open code software and supported the quantitative findings. Results: A total of 422 nursing students were participated in this study with the response rate of 98. 6%. Nearly half, 216 (51.6%) were male. In this study, 173 (41.6%) of the participants were satisfied with their Clinical learning environment. Being third year (AOR=0.41, 95% CI: 0.22, 0.74), orientation (AOR= 7.17, 95% C.I: 3.33, 15.4) comfort on ward rotation (AOR= 2.01, 95% CI: 1.06, 3.77), less frequent supervision (AOR 0.44, 95% C.I: 0.24, .81), practice at primary hospital (AOR= 3.40, 95% C.I: 1.20, 9.62), and clinical staff support (AOR=2.59, 95% C.I: 1.29, 5.17) were factors significantly associated with their satisfaction. Four themes were emerged from the qualitative data analysis including; Insufficient clinical education and supervision, clinical stakeholders’ influence, shortage of resources and infrastructure, and inadequate student preparedness. Conclusion: The nursing students’ satisfaction with their clinical learning environment was low. Thus, it would be better if nursing students have clinical practice in primary hospitals, preclinical orientation, and frequent supervision. In addition, it would be better if hospital staff provide support for nursing students while doing procedures. Keywords: Associated factors, Clinical learning environment, Nursing students, Satisfaction, Northwest Ethiopia. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship UOG en_US
dc.format.extent 66P
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher UOG en_US
dc.title Satisfaction towards clinical learning environment and its associated factors among undergraduate nursing students at public universities in Northwest Ethiopia, 2022
dc.type Thesis en_US

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