Background: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women,
particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Early detection of breast cancer
can decrease morbidity, improve survival. Breast self-examination is one of the noninvasive
methods of screening in which a woman looking at her breast for any
abnormal findings like lumps, distortions, or swellings. Although it is early detectable,
it is still diagnosed at an advanced stage. However, one of the problems breast
cancer doesn’t early detection related to poor knowledge and poor breast selfexamination
Objective: This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude, practices and
associated factors with breast self-examination among women in Gondar Town,
Northwest Ethiopia, 2021
Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted. A multi-stage
systematic random sampling technique was used to select 541 women 20-70 age
group. Interview administered questionnaires were used for data collection. Data was
entered into Epi-data version 4.6 and exported to Statistical Package for Social
Result:Out of five hundred seventy-one women, 541 completed the interview which
gives a response rate of 94.7%. The majority 65.6%
about breast self-examination among those 56% had adequate knowledge, 46%
positive attitudes and 45.8%
examination. Women's educational level [AOR: 4.18,
Conclusion: - This study shows considerable women have low attitudes and
practice towards breast self-examination, even if the majority of them had adequate
knowledge. Factors significantly associated with this study were women's Level of
education, husband Level of education, history of breast cancer, and knowledge of
breast self-examination.
Recommendation:Enhancing women’s, and their husband's knowledge, attitudes,
and also practice level towards breast self-examination though. Zonal Health office
gives mass training and also leaflet about breast cancer burden, and how to do
breast self-examinations for the community. All Health centers include breast selfexaminations
Key words: Attitude, Knowledge, Practice, Breast self- examination, Gondar