Introduction: Ostomy is the surgical attachment of the bowel or ureter to the abdominal
wall to allow the elimination of feces or urine. Inappropriate ostomy care due to
inadequate knowledge and unfavorable attitude of nurses directly affect the patient’s
quality of life in multidimensional aspects that includes poor self-respect, low selfesteem,
feeling of independence, impaired sexual life and nutritional status, depression,
social isolation and loss of their work. But there is no evidence in Ethiopia regarding
knowledge and attitude of nurses towards ostomy care.
Objective: The study aimed to assess knowledge and attitude towards ostomy care
and its associated factors among nurses working in southeast Oromia governmental
hospitals, Ethiopia, 2021.
Methods: Institution-based cross-sectional study design has been conducted from April
01–30/ 2021 in southeast Oromia, governmental hospitals. A total of 410 nurses were
selected using a simple random sampling technique. For measures of association,
binary and multivariable logistic regressions were employed and statistical significance
was declared at p-value less than 0.05. The goodness of fit was checked using Hosmer
and Lemeshow test.
Result: This study found that