dc.description.abstract |
Introduction: Cervical cancer is uncontrolled proliferation of cells on the cervix.
Worldwide millions of women suffering from this disease. Cervical cancer can be
prevented by increased awareness and change negative attitude about cause and
prevention of cervical cancer. The aim of this study was to identify gap of the knowledge
and attitude regards to cervical cancer.
Objective: This study aimed to determine knowledge, attitude, and associated factors
towards cervical cancer prevention among female teachers working in primary and
secondary schools in Gondar town Northwest Ethiopia, 2022
Method: Institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted to collect data from 610
female teachers who were working in Primary and secondary schools in Gondar town
by using a stratified sampling technique. The collected data were checked for any
inconsistency, coded and entered by using EPI INFO version 7, and analyzed by using
SPSS version 25. Descriptive statistics were computed and presented by using tables,
graphs, and texts. Both Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis was
computed to identify the association between the dependent variable with independent
variables. Variables having P-value < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Result: Among 610 participants with a response rate of 96.3%, (38.4 % (95% CI; 34.4942.23)
on cervical cancer prevention respectively. Factors affecting teachers'
knowledge level were studied language (Amharic and English) [AOR;?3.908; (1.50910.122)],
hear information from health professionals [AOR; 0.537(0.311-0.925)]
significantly associated with knowledge. Factors of the attitude of teachers on cervical
cancer prevention were working in secondary school [AOR; 1.83(1.03-3.25)], have
regular menstrual period (AOR; 2.32(1.49-3.62), no history of abortion, (AOR;
0.45(0.23-0.89), good knowledge status (AOR, 2.56(1.64-4.00) significantly associated
with positive attitude.
Conclusion and recommendations most of teachers Knowledge and attitude
regarding to cervical cancer prevention were poor. Being married, the field of study/
language (Amharic and English), and natural science, heard information from health professionals were factors associated with teachers’ knowledge. Working in secondary
school, have regular menstrual period, no history of abortion, and knowledge were
factors associated attitude regarding to cervical cancer prevention. Therefore health
promotion, counseling integrated with reproductive health education through mass
media in essay and understanding way regarding to cervical cancer prevention should
be important
Keywords:-cervical cancer, knowledge, attitude, teachers, Gondar, Prevention |
en_US |