Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by parasites (plasmodium spps.) which is transmitted through bite of
infected mosquito. In 2012, about 219 million malaria cases and an estimated 660,000 deaths most of them are
under five age children and pregnant women. Currently around three billion people (40% of the world population)
are at risk of malaria. To eradicate the disease various control measures have been taken worldwide. From 1940s to
1960s DDT was used widely, and then replaced by other chemicals. The current intervention is mostly use of ITNs
and/or IRS using pyrerthriod insecticide. In various Africa countries such as Kenya, Gambia, PNG, etc proper and
regular use of ITNs significantly reduced morbidity and mortality rate associated with malaria in under five age
children and pregnant women. However, use of pyrethroid insecticide results in the development of resistance
mosquito species throughout malaria epidemic regions. Resistance development mechanisms are many and complex
including behavioural or physiological change, target site alteration and metabolic processes. However, target site
as well as metabolic resistance is assumed to be the main types of resistance mechanisms. A recent research result
indicated that the vectors show behavioural change to avoid a contact with insecticides.