Higher Education institutions are mandated to teaching-learning, research and community
services including University-Industry linkage &technology transfer activities. Research is a
systematic way of collecting and analyzing data for seeking solutions to problems, discovering
new technologies, and paving ways to the development of a country. It enables people in diverse
circumstances to apply solutions. Research provides us with new inventions (technological
methods, products, etc.) and generates new knowledge to tackle problems as well as utilize
unexploited potentials.
For counties like Ethiopia, much is expected from research in terms of alleviating economic
problems, reducing poverty, attaining food security, preventing and controlling problems of
multifaceted nature, and introducing new technology. Within its overall plan of alleviating
widespread poverty, Ethiopia aims to become middle-income country in the next 20 to 30 years;
and the government has issued Higher Education proclamation No. 1152/2011 taking into
account the pressing need for well-educated and skilled manpower in various disciplines. The
Ethiopian government is also pursuing an ambitious plan to expand and reform higher education
in the country.
University of Gondar is currently classified into research intensive university due to its academic
and research capacities and productivity. In its 10 years strategic plan, the University of Gondar
strives to achieve academic and research excellence. More specifically, the Research and
Publication Office (RPO) of the University is striving towards enhancing research culture.
Alongside the academic training, the RPO of the University is coordinating and promoting
research works in and outside of the University. It also provides consultancy services and
disseminates research results on an ongoing and sustainable basis.
Given the pressing need to strengthen the university research endeavor and enhancing the
research productivity in line with the envisaged research excellence, this research and
publication guideline revision was highly demanded. Thus, the basic consideration of the
guideline revision was embodied on to the current differentiation of the University of Gondar
into research university and the expected research excellence contributing to both the teaching as
well as social problem solving. To accomplish the aforementioned tasks