The University of Gondar is established in 1954 as a Public Health College and Training Center.
The College and Training Centre was the earliest public health training institution in Ethiopia and
then evolved to Gondar College of Medical Sciences. The College became one of the pioneer
institutions of the country that has been producing competent medical doctors and other health
professionals. It was upgraded to Gondar University College. In 2004, the University of Gondar
was established. Currently, the University has eight colleges (medicine and health sciences,
business and economics, social sciences and humanities, natural and computational sciences,
veterinary and animal sciences, agriculture and environmental sciences, education, and
informatics); two institutes (technology and bio-technology); and one school (School of Law).
University of Gondar is one of the first-generation Universities in the country with about 50,000
students offering 92 undergraduate, 171 post-graduate, 10 specialty, and three sub-specialty in its
regular, extension and continuing and distance education programs in various disciplines across
its five campuses.
University of Gondar is engaged in three pillars–teaching, research, and technology transfer and
community engagement activities. Cognizant with this, developing a guideline for UniversityIndustry Linkage and Technology Transfer (UIL and TT) is imperative. The guideline helps
researchers, stakeholders, partners and students abiding with the rules and regulations of the
University. Currently, the University of Gondar has granted and undergoing several technologies
transfer projects to end users in collaboration with various institution and organizations at local,
regional, national and international levels. It is, therefore, the guideline shall serve as a policy
document and directive for the staff of the University and stakeholders related to technology
transfer and institutional linkages.