Commitment to community service is a well rooted culture at University of Gondar (UoG). Initially
established to respond to malaria outbreak in Demebya and associated health problems, University
of Gondar has always put service to community and solving problems at the center of its endeavors.
This is reflected in the university’s motto of “Committed to Serve the Country”. The commitment
to this motto has continued to be reflected particularly by increasing trends in societal problem
solving research outputs and provision of community intervention projects, making the
university the leading institution in serving the nation with commitment and dedication. The
current senate legislation of UOG requires all academic staff to spend 15 percent of their working
hours on community services. Indeed, community services engagement is an integral part of
academic staff performance appraisal and promotion. Until August, 2014 community service
activities were coordinated through a community service liaison office. However, as the volume of
community service increased in the last few years, coordinating the community service of staffs,
students and faculty required a consolidated structure and additional manpower. Thus, in August
2014, the university established the community service directorate and coordination offices in each
college and faculty/institute and school under it.
The year 2008 was not different from this trend. This tradition has continued and the services to
community has expended tremendously. The budget for community services exceeded 6 million
birr from regular budget and more than 42 million birr from donors and partner organizations.
Yet, the experience of 2008 E.C budget community service engagement of UOG was also unique, at
least for at least two main reasons. First, the process of identifying projects for funding by UOG
was rigorous and involved as series of defenses and evaluations. This has resulted selections of well
designed projects and with impact project. Among the 78 projects submitted for funding, 38
projects were implemented. There are also 32 ongoing community service projects/programs
financed by partner organizations. Second, in line with the University’s transformation agenda from
community service to community engagement, both the number and role of community
organizations and government offices in designing and implementing projects has increased. As
would be expected, the range of problems the projects aimed to addressed are very diverse. But the
consecutive consultative meetings with community members and representatives ensured that the
projects were need based and implemented with utmost participation of the community. The
engagement modalities were very diverse ranging from participation in consultative meetings and
assessments to identify community needs and prioritize them , to joint planning of projects and in
kind contributions and financial contributions to implement projects.
This Community Service Booklet presents an overview of the major community service projects
implemented in 2008 Ethiopian budget year. Although a very brief summary of the vast community
service activities of University of Gondar, readers can draw important lessons and inspirations form
the reports included in this booklet.