Background : Road Traffic Accident ([RTA) is the main cause of disability and death in
the world. In Ethiopia, the rate of road traffic accidents (RTAs) is very high. In Ethiopia,
road traffic injuries account for over a third of all injuries and affect all age groups across
both sexes
Objective: The aim of this study is To assess the magnitude of road traffic accident and
associated factors in Eastern Tigray Zone
Methods:-A Retrospective cross- sectional Study is planned in all the 9 weredas of the
eastern zone of the Tigray National State. Data will be extracted from crash registry
book road traffic accident in each of the 9 weredas of the zone retrospectively. Simple
random sampling technique will be used to select 329 samples from July 8, 2011 to
January 8, 2016 records.
Duration and total Budget: The study will be conducted from from March to June 2016
.To complete this project a total 21,755 Ethiopian birr is required