Background: In recent years, the use of gasoline or petrol has steadily increased in industries
and households. Occupation is the primary source of exposure. Volatile organic compounds such
as gasoline and other fuels are associated with several harmful health effects like liver and
kidney diseases. Every year, employees worldwide die from work-related ill health and accidents
and suffer from work-related illnesses. Exposure to them even at a low dose (below 0.5 parts per
million) is capable of causing undesired health effects like liver and renal failure. However, there
is no published data on the outcome of gasoline on parameters of the liver and renal in the study
area. Besides, there is no baseline information on biochemical tests of liver and renal function.
Objectives: To assess liver and renal function using laboratory parameters among gasoline
exposed petrol station workers in comparison with blood donors Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia
Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was carried out in Gondar town among gasoline
exposed gas station workers and blood donor controls, from April to May 2021. Age >18 yrs.
and > 6-month work experience (exposed) included in the study. A structured questionnaire was
used to collect Sociodemographic, behavioral and exposure data. Four milliliters of blood sample
was collected for liver and renal function parameters, analyzed by spectrophotometer DXC
700AU Autoanalyser. An independent t-test, the Mann-Whitney U test, Pearson and Spearman's
were analyzed using Stata ver 14. P-value ? 0.05 was taken statistically significant.
Result: A total of 100 individuals participated in the study. There was no statistical difference in
the mean age of exposed (25.46 � 7.27) and control (23.32 � 5.24) group抯 p=.095. The median
level of ALT (19.5, 15 p<.001), AST (23, 19 P=.002) or mean level of urea (18 � 4.6, 15.5 � 3.7
p=.003) creatinine (0.66 � 0.13, 0.56 � 0.10 p<.001) and uric acid (4.68 � 1, 4.13 � 0.9) were
significantly higher in exposed except total protein (7.2 � 0.46, 7.5 � 0.44 p=.004) and alkaline
phosphatase (48, 65) the latter lowered non-significant. Serum ALT and AST were correlated
positively with working hours per day, working days per week, and duration of work in years.
Conclusion: The median level of (Alanine Amino-transferase, Aspartate Amino-transferase and
Bilirubin Total) and mean level of (Urea, Creatinine and Uric acid) were high among exposed as
compared to control. We also showed that the mean of Total Protein decreased significantly
Key words: Gasoline, Liver function parameters, Renal function parameters