
Assessment of Liver Function tests and Lipid Profile of Women Taking Hormonal Contraceptives at University of Gondar Comprehensive specialized hospital and Gondar Family planning and guidance center, 2022; A comparative Cross-sectional Study

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dc.contributor.author Elias Chane Assefa
dc.date.accessioned 2023-07-01T11:39:22Z
dc.date.available 2023-07-01T11:39:22Z
dc.date.issued August, 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/6287
dc.description.abstract Abstract Introduction: Hormonal contraceptives are artificial preparations utilized by women of reproductive age to prevent pregnancy; and they act on the endocrine system to prevent ovulation. Roughly about a billion women in the world use some form of contraceptive worldwide. Despite the utility of these preparations, they are linked with several adverse effects; including disturbance of liver functions and lipid metabolism. However, previous studies conducted on this theme reported conflicting results in the link between contraceptive versus liver function and lipid profile. Objectives: This study was aims to assess liver function and lipid profile of women taking hormonal contraceptive, to identify factors associated with liver function abnormalities and dyslipidemia at university of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital and Gondar family planning and guidance center in 2022. Methods and Materials: An institutional-based comparative cross-sectional study was conducted among women who use hormonal contraceptives versus non users at University of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital and Gondar family planning and guidance center, from march 2 to May 27, 2022. Eligible women who attend the two institutes from March 2 to May 27, 2022. In the study systematic random sampling method was used to enrolls a total of 264 participants into two groups. One group of hormonal contraceptive users and another agematched non-user controls in the ratio of 1:1. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic, behavioral, and clinical data. From each study participant 5 ml Blood sample collected for liver function tests and lipid profile analysis on Beckman Coulter chemistry analyzer. Independent t-test, ANOVA was used to compare mean values of parameters among to two groups; and logistic regression models was used to identify factors associated. Results: Hormonal contraceptive users were observed to had a statistically significant (p<0.05) higher mean value of liver enzymes, as well as total and direct bilirubin. Conversely, the mean value of total cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level was higher among hormonal contraceptive users than their control counterparts. Conclusion and Recommendation: hormonal contraceptive use observed to have higher liver function tests and lipid profile parameters; thus, special attention should be given to women on hormonal contraceptives, and routine laboratory monitoring should be done. Key words: Hormonal contraceptives, liver function tests, lipid profile, Ethiopia en_US
dc.description.sponsorship UOG en_US
dc.format.extent 88p
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher UOG en_US
dc.subject Clinical Chemistry en_US
dc.title Assessment of Liver Function tests and Lipid Profile of Women Taking Hormonal Contraceptives at University of Gondar Comprehensive specialized hospital and Gondar Family planning and guidance center, 2022; A comparative Cross-sectional Study
dc.type Thesis en_US

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