Election is a visible democracy.It has different players like carnival events. Among which,
eligible voters take the front line of participation in election, through giving vote.
Though its freeness and fairness were contestable, Ethiopia even after 1991 has held five multiparty
elections, including the last 2015 general election of the country. However, quite contrary
to other institution camps residing employees, the Alage ATVET College Camp residing
employee’s were not made to be participant within such general elections of the country, through
giving vote.
Accordingly this work by using qualitative research methods, has clearly spell out that the
determination and existence of major premises of participation, such as State administration,
constituency as well as appropriate and convenient ordinary polling stations during general
election has enabled theWonji Shewa Sugar Factory Institution and Agarfa ATVET College
Camp residing employee’s to be actively participant in general election of the country, through
giving vote. Whereas, the Alage ATVET College camp residing employee’s though they are
right holders as like the above mentioned employee’s; but are excluded from participation in
general election, through giving vote, due to the place Alage outside from State administration
and constituency of the country as well as absence of established polling stations to employee’s
during general election of the country. Thus, lack of commitment on the part of the government,
as far as discharging its legal obligation of creating equal opportunity to vote to these employee’s
as per human right laws, has resulted the right to vote of these groups of people to be
disfranchised, practically. In connection of losing such latter right, they are disabled also to enjoy
indirect participation through representatives and other expressive values of participation.
Therefore, Alage ATVET College camp residing employee’s to be participant in general election
through giving vote meaningfully and without any inconvenience, the author inter alia suggested
mainly the HoF and NEBE, based on their mandate to determine and establish effectively the
major premises of participations, such as State administration of Alage and its constituencies as
well as proper and convenient polling stations during election of the country.