The main purpose of this study was to assess the challenges with implementing political leadership and decision making participatory rights for women in Bahirdar City Administration, Amhara National Regional State. A lot of interventions internationally, nationally and regionally to make it possible for women to participate in political leadership position, yet the level of women’s participation in this field remains low. Women in Bahirdar city administration are still largely underrepresented in political leadership and decision decision-making positions at all levels. Based on nature, scope, objectives, time and available resources, the study was conducted through descriptive analytical research type by using both quantitative and Qualitative research methods with two parts, questionnaire and interview schedule for collecting data from the respondents. Data was analyzed by using percentages, tables, and explanations. The findings of the study reveals that the women have low considerations in political leadership and decision making and holding lower non decision making and leadership positions in Bahirdar city administration. More importantly, the finding showed that a wide range of Socio-cultural attitude, conflict of balance between the domestic and public life, weak awareness creation mechanisms, Lack of confidence and willingness by women themselves, perception of social gender, institutional factors like low level of commitment from women’s league, town administration and the ruling party, and lack of economic power of women to cover their living expenses still prevent a more equal representation of women in Bahirdar city administration executive power structure. Therefore, the creation of an enabling environment to enhance women’s participation in politics through building the political capacity of women leaders, the provision of women-related civic projects, the creation of awareness among young girls in schools through Civic and Ethical Education about the importance of women’s political representation, crating cooperation with nearby concerned bodies are some of the recommendations forwarded to enhance women’s political participation in Bahirdar city administration.