BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors
that is responsible for the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of
MetS and its components among T2DM patients.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Diabetes
Clinic of the Hospital, from June to July, 2015. Data were entered
into EPI INFO software and exported to SPSS 20 for analysis.
MetS prevalence was estimated using NCEP ATPIII and IDF
criteria. Anthropometric measurements, investigations of serum
glucose and lipid profiles were done. Logistic regression analysis
was used to evaluate associated factors. A P-value ≤ 0.05 was
considered statistically significant.
RESULT: A total of 159 participants were included in the study;
119 (59.7%) were females with mean (±SD) age of (49.8±8.7) year.
The prevalence of MetS was 66.7% in NCEP-ATP III and 53.5% in
IDF definitions. The most prevalent component of MetS was
elevated triglyceride (56.6% in ATPIII and 62.3% in IDF criteria),
followed by abdominal obesity (61%) IDF and elevated blood
pressure (55.4%) NCEP-ATPIII criteria. The regression analysis
showed that increased age, being female, high BMI, having
diabetes for over 5 years and poor glycemic control were
significantly associated with metabolic syndrome.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of MetS and its components
among T2DM patients were high, suggesting that diabetic patients
are at increased risk of CVD and other complications. Efforts
should be geared towards addressing these abnormalities through
lifestyle modification, health awareness and medications in order
to reduce this complication