dc.description.abstract |
PURPOSE:Ophthalmic solutions used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes were found to
be contaminated with bacteria pathogens and caused serious ocular infections such as keratitis and
endophthalmitis. The objective was to assess the magnitude and pattern of bacterial contamination
of multi‑dose ophthalmic medications and investigate the drug susceptibility pattern of the isolates
in the Department of Ophthalmology at Gondar University Teaching Hospital.
METHODS: A total of 100 ophthalmic medications in‑use by patients and eye‑care workers have
been taken and cultured for potential bacterial contamination in the Microbiology Department after
1 week and >1 week of use. The dropper tip and the residual eye medications were examined for
contamination. The contaminating bacteria were identified using a standard procedure and drug
susceptibility testing to selected antimicrobial agents was done.
RESULTS:Eleven ophthalmic medications were contaminated by different bacterial species with a
prevalence of 11%. Multi‑use and longer duration of use of eye medications were associated with
higher rate of contamination. The contamination level ranges from 0% for antibiotics, 20% for local
anesthetics, and 40% for povidone iodine. Among bacteria identified,Staphylococcus aureus and
coagulase‑negative Staphylococcusspecies were resistant to methicillin while others were sensitive
to the antibiotics tested.
CONCLUSION:The prevalence of contamination was low, but methicillin‑resistant Staphylococcus
was a potential risk. It is recommended that the Department of Ophthalmology should design set of
rules about duration of use and safe handling of ophthalmic medications by the staff and patients. |
en_US |